Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Where should you begin??

I want to share some of my favorite resources with you. I think this first book is a must have. I can\'t even begin to tell you how much I learned from just this one book. The author does a wonderful job telling you about techniques and products. Please remember you don\'t need all of these things at once it would cost a fortune and it\'s not necessary. The book is, Teach Yourself Visually Collage and Altered art by Roni Johnson. If you want it immediately your local craft store may have it otherwise Amazon is also a great place and you can get a good deal. Another great book I found is, The Journal Junkies Workshop visual ammunition for the art addict (I\'m definitely an art addict!) by Eric M. Scott and David R. Modler. They also give some great product and technique information. So you may ask, "Where do I start?", I believe an Art Journal is a great place to start. My next post I\'ll go into detail on how to make one. If your thinking I don\'t journal that\'s ok I never did either. The cool thing about an art journal is that you don\'t have to write if you don\'t want to. You can paint, draw, write and or many other things. It\'s a great way to unwined and just create. If your having a bad day and you need to vent you can write your feelings down and paint over them. It\'s very liberating! The options are endless.....